Oddball 3 is once again on a smooth schedule (of sorts) only problem now is that I haven't even started hunting down the soundtrack yet. Up to now, I've been using a site that has royalty free stuff, but I've heard the same tracks repeated a fair few times now so I really want to move away from that.
That's why I'm making this post, if anyone is interested in being part of the Oddball crew and making the soundtrack for the series, please let me know.
Not likely to happen, as I can't pay you for it (hell, I can't even pay MYSELF with these videos yet!) but hey, might as well try, if anyone is interested, message me or leave a comment and we'll talk!
As for the video, I'm about 60% there now, I'm probably not going to be releasing any more screen shots now, but here's an animation snippet I put on DevArt
That's all for this journal! I leave you with this pic I drew today!