I seel what you did there
I seel what you did there
Lame ass!
Oh christ, the name suits.
Still gave me a lil chuckle though!
It's like dad jokes haha
Thanks :p
Kinda reminds me oooffff...
The armour demons from devil may cry 4, nto sure if this was an inspiration or anything, but that's what sprung to mind.
Good to see a full textured work too, the colour and lighting goes niiicely
aww you meant the Bianco and Alto angelo's
yeh way a pain in the ass they are to fight in groups of 5.
but no this wasn't inspired by them but good eye.
FFFFFriggin hell!
I seriously hope Zeurel IS happy with this haha, you've done a great adaptation of it inn 3D!
Can't really point out anything to change haha
yeh well i talked to him and he isnt all that impressed...