I don't know about females but if you need any male voices just let me know :D
I don't know about females but if you need any male voices just let me know :D
I'll keep it in mind!
D=< ...!
I want to save your project. You know how much I want to, even though I'm booked solid. Let me knock aside these midterms.
lol if i was a voice actor i would lose my virginity which i have not been able too sense i hate girls
Did you try Hnilmik?
<a href="http://hnilmik.newgrounds.com/">http://hnilmik.newgrounds.com/</a>
She's commented above haha
Oh, nvm, just saw her post here. Hmmmmm....WALP. I guess I'm always available to do voices if you're really REALLY desperate. D: I can't act though.
Bleh same here, just saw your above post D:
ummm coool cool (i dont know what to say that all i have)
i heard you want some johnny the homicidal maniac i happen to have the whole series with me
I have them all
How many lines would be required and what kinda timeline are you looking at for further episodes? I'd like to audition, but I wouldn't want to send files to something I couldn't make a commitment.
The ep that's already done is only two lines and I'm gunna put a further ad for voice acting at the end of that, so this is either a temporary or full character. The episodes should be round about 1-2 minutes each, short and sweet gags, but there may occasionally be like, three parters, or extended episodes
Short episodes shouldn't be a problem at all X3. I'll send you a voice sample in the next few days.
Try scouting Sapphire. I think her voice matches the character well. If you have any male openings any time soon, let me know! Looks good!
I asked her before for a character but she wasn't interested, so probably won't be in this one too :/
There will be male voices coming soon though! I wanna get my main character sorted though first